Xmas (25th December 2016)
Xmas Eve (24th December 2016)
Holy Mother Tithi Puja (20th December 2016)
Padma Yoga Ashram (4th December 2016)
Sendai (13rd November 2016)
Yamagata (11th-12nd November 2016)
Tokyo Yoga Center (6th November 2016)
India (01st October-01st November 2016)
Kali Puja (29th October 2016)
Namaste India (24th-25th September 2016)
Philipines (17th-19th September 2016)
Sri Krishna Birthday Celebration (21st August 2016)
Hamamatsu Retreat (16th August 2016)
Swami Vivekananda Public Birthday Celebration Exhibition (10th July 2016)Embassy of India
Swami Vivekananda Public Birthday Celebration (10th July 2016)Embassy of India